How to rebuild your business

The C Suite There are a variety of reasons why a business is struggling or failing, but that doesn’t always mean that the issues aren’t fixable. When your company is in trouble, it can be extremely difficult to firstly, admit there is a problem, and then take the actions to remedy it. No single step […]

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Why Richard Branson Believes Passion Is The Key To Diversifying A Company

Forbes Having a successful company thriving in multiple sectors is every ambitious entrepreneur’s dream. After all, diversification can be an effective route to rapid growth as new markets are established. But it’s a high risk strategy, that takes great insight, considerable investment, and that all-important passion. Disney, Xerox and IBM are great examples of brands […]

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Your Thoughts: US Annual Budget Deficit $1Trillion

Finance Monthly – Apr 18, 2018 With current trade ‘talks’ with China, the US in a not in a great position money wise. According to Congressional Budget Office the US is heading for an annual budget deficit of more than $1 trillion (£707bn) by 2020, on the back of tax cuts and higher public spending. Although […]

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More Londoners want building projects in their backyards

Mortgage Introducer More Londoners are becoming likely to agree to building projects in their backyards, a YouGov poll found. Some 57% wanted more housing in their local area with only 26% objecting to it and 63% in Iner London supported more local housing while only 54% did so in outer London. Just a fifth of […]

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The Reader: Tube union tries to have it both ways on passenger safety

FURTHER to your story, [“District line walkout for driver ‘who went through three red lights’ set to cause travel chaos” April 13], when rail companies want to remove guards in favour of driver-operated trains, the rail unions call strikes citing passenger safety as the reason. The unions claim that such a move increases passenger risk. […]

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